Software for Lead Generation


At present, it’s not enough to attract users to your site and wait for sales to skyrocket. Today, you need to collect data and turn ordinary visitors into loyal clients through professional communication. That’s the essence of the lead generation process. It’s a tough mission, but it’s vital to take care of the quality of your leads. This fact is proven by almost 75% of businesses facing the challenge and focusing on quality over quantity of leads for effective sales.

To automate your marketing and lead acquisition at scale, you need a software for lead generation that is smart, efficient, and facilitates faster outreach, follow up, scoring, and pitching.

About 80% of modern top-performing businesses are already using tools and solutions for this purpose. So as not to get left behind, let’s see into the top software solutions that can make your life as an entrepreneur easier and your business more profitable.

of marketers that use software drive increased leads

of them convert more leads than those that don’t use automation.

of businesses focus on the quality of the leads over the quantity

The good news is that having met this challenge once, you’ll only have to scale it later on and enjoy the rewarding result. Let’s get started.

What makes leads generation software good?

Great software for lead generation is a solution that facilitates simple and hassle-free capturing of qualified leads. A user should be able to achieve the goals in a shorter period of time with no coding required on his part.

The major features to look at are usability and integration. The product needs to be intuitive and clear, while speeding up data sharing, processing, and analysis.

The next aspect to pay attention to is pricing. Ensure you get the required functionality at minimal investment. Check the features available at every price point, the number of users allowed, and how many leads you’ll get for the money. Besides, it’s essential to estimate the future expenses you’ll experience as your company grows.

Types of lead generation software tools

The tools for lead generation are multifaceted. They can solve the tasks of inbound, outbound marketing, email campaigns, advertising and analysis, CRM integration and sales, and more.

To enhance traffic from organic and paid searches and attract more users on-site, you need search marketing solutions. Inbound tools are intended to attract users to your website or channel, and on-page solutions facilitate capturing leads on your web page or site. Conversion Rate Optimization solutions facilitate leads’ maximization and higher conversion of users into leads.

Outbound marketing tools are used to identify and reach leads via various channels, email, phone calls, etc.

A special category of tools for email marketing generates leads along the customer journey. Finally, marketing management software benefits to lead quality improvement and quantity maximization.

Each type of software works well if you use it right, and in variable combinations, they can effectively scale your corporate lead generation tactic to suit your needs.

Let’s dive in and examine some specific solutions.

Best performing lead generation software tools

All-in-one CRMs

Such software helps to eliminate hassle from the marketing process through automation and the possibility of variable integrations. Thus, you can get all tools on a single platform.


HubSpot is well-known as the best SaaS software for lead generation. It offers a suite of solutions: HubSpot Marketing, HubSpot Sales, and HubSpot CRM. It easily turns into an all-in-one platform for searching and finding new leads, nurturing and tracking them, tracking email opened, managing contact base, creating landings, posting to blog, and more.

Each module of the suite offers marketing, sales, and management tools for free with limited features. The paid version starts at $40/month and the price is determined by the features a user needs and chooses.


This all-in-one solution combines a landing page building tool and a sales funnel. To be more precise, a user can select a sales funnel and then base the lead generation process on it. Two weeks are allowed to test a free trial, and then the paid plans start at a fee of $97 per month.


Another all-in-one platform, SharpSpring offers powerful and easy-to-use tools for lead generation, such as a chatbot, a dynamic forms and landing pages builder, and much more. Lead management and scoring, along with automation and email marketing, are featured on this platform. A starting plan of 1500 contacts will cost you $550 per month.

Email and Information Finders

These software solutions assist users in getting their targets’ emails from the World Wide Web or social media. Thus, the process of building your email list for content promotion or email campaigns becomes seamless and quick.

Global Database

Global Database is a web-based platform with a sophisticated filtering system that allows you to craft your ideal lead profile, specify its features and various criteria like financial state, possible credit risks, digital presence, and market position, all while getting the contacts. You can avail on request this b2b lead generation software. A user can customize the solution according to industry, region, and other case-by-case parameters.


Hunter is a quick and handy email search solution. A user can type a person’s name and company or domain in and receive the email. In addition, all the emails of a certain company can be requested at a time. More than that, this lead generation software is free with a limit of 50 requests, then goes the Starter plan for $34 per month, and the price rises.


If you need an email of somebody from LinkedIn, Skrapp will come handy. When used as a Chrome Extension, this LinkedIn lead generation software shows a “Find Email” button right on the prospect’s profile you are looking through, and to get an email is as easy as a click. The search of up to150 emails is free, above this, you must pay a minimum of $34 per month.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

This is LinkedIn’s solution for finding prospects on their network. Advanced search filters and recommendations make the process quick, simple and detailed. With this tool, you can access vast amounts of information about companies and individuals, including contact details, job titles, and InMail credits. The solution includes the possibilities of CRM integration options and sales updates.

The minimum pricing is $65/month, and they offer custom quotes for lead-generation on a large scale.

Twitter Search

To find people who show interest in your service or product, you can search for related tweets with Twitter Search and try to get their contact information with other tools.

Tools for email campaigns and customer interaction

This kind of tool can help businesses inform and educate their audience and turn them into clients.

As a platform for sales automation, deals both with prospecting and outreach. The extension for Chrome allows users to find targets in a click, and then reach them right from the browser through the templates offered. Since the solution easily integrates with, Salesforce, Pipedrive, and HubSpot, tracking data on all the interactions is made easy.

The product’s pricing starts at $78 per month. Essential and Business plans are available.


This reputable marketing platform is known as one of the best software for lead generation via emails. The drag-and-drop interface of its email builder is simple and intuitive, yet capable of storing between 2000 and 200 000 contacts and sending out up to 12 000 emails monthly for free and above this amount for a fee.

Paid plans start at $10 per month, and to pay as you go you can purchase credits, instead of a monthly plan.


This lead bot allows you to initiate communication with your customers in an automated way. It can answer questions almost instantly in real time.

The software has a fixed $300 fee for monthly platform usage and an additional $40 per agent.

Form builders

Lead capture forms are a means to get potential customer data and contact details right from your site.


This tool provides over 50 customizable templates for creation forms for different industries and of various types. Offering the best UX practices, optimized functionality, and integration possibilities, Leadformly can be easily embedded in the suite of marketing tools you use.

With LeadFormly, entrepreneurs can pay as you grow, and the price per lead may go as low as 5¢.

Convert Plus

This WordPress plugin shows pop-up forms on your site. It includes timed and exit pop-ups, the percentage of page scrolled pop-ups, and more. The price starts at $24.

Contest solutions

Contest is a great way to increase brand awareness, engage people, and follow up with an email drip campaign. Below you can find some tools that work best and also help in contest promotion.


Contests work wonderfully for generating additional entries and enabling users to take further actions on your site, landing page, or social profile. Vyper is the software that helps to increase the number of interested users through contests. The starting price for the product is $29 per month.


A cheaper Vyper alternative that helps to quickly create and launch well-designed contests via social networks or email.

This simple platform can be tested for free; however, to launch the contest you’ll have to buy the product. The minimal price is $13 per month.

Survey Software solutions

This modern customer research software helps gather target audience details. You can learn what web resources they prefer, if your site is of value to them, how much they’re eager to spend, etc.

ProProfs Survey Maker

This cloud-based survey tool for capturing qualified leads allows you to identify their pain-points through the right questions presented by operators. It allows users to determine customers’ intent and to customize interactions with them. Surveys can be realized in emails, on your site, or via social media to speed up and leverage reaching your targets.

The product has a free trial, and the paid plan starts at $7 per month.


To collect feedback from your clients you can embed Survicate either into your site or email. It simplifies getting feedback from customers.

The solution offers a free version for a hundred surveys and a minimum month paid plan is $49.

Scheduling solutions

With an automated scheduler, you need not agree all your plans, business meetings, and time slots by going back and forth with people you work with.


It’s easy to schedule anything with Calendly: calls, meetings, requests, consultations, and more. Imagine how helpful this kind of lead generation software is for real estate, for instance: all you need is to set the time you are available, the potential clients can then choose the time convenient for them for viewing appointment, consultation, or deal. For more convenience you can add Calendly link to the signature in your email. The tool can be used for free by a single person in need of basic features only, but you can upgrade it and unlock full features for a fee, starting at $8/month.

Final Thoughts

Lead generation is challenging; however, there is no excuse for doing it poorly. There are plenty of tools and software solutions that allow a wide choice of features in accordance with your business goals and specifics. You can decide on any lead generation software for real estate, e-commerce, finance or whatever sphere you are in. More than that, you can either choose a tool for some specific task or all-in-one solution, depending on your current needs and budget. Keep in mind that all-in-one tools often come at a higher price and there is always the question of whether you really need all the functionality they offer.

As a data scraping company, we advise you to consider a custom tool for lead generation web data scraping. To know how it can be useful for you, schedule a free consultation with our expert, and we’ll clear everything up.

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